For Debaters
2024-2025 Core Files
For Novice:
Novice will be debating the Content Creation Case.
Starting from our 3rd Tournament on November 16, Novices can read the Monopolies Disadvantage as well!
Starting from our 5th Tournaments on January 25, Novices can read the Novice Courts Counterplan! (Make sure not to read the Varsity version!)
For Varsity:
Important Note- Starting on December 14 at the Holiday Classic, Varsity Debates will be completely OPEN. Varsity debaters can run any Cases and Off-Case Arguments that they want to!
Students must disclose which AFF they are running (along with their advantages) by the Wednesday before the tournament!
You are still allowed to run our core files! They can be found below:
Content Creators (same as Novice packet)
Disadvantages (DAs):
Counterplans (CPs):
Kritiks (Ks):
Topicality (T):
Resources for Novice Debaters
Flowing (Taking Notes)
Resources for Varsity Debaters
Tournament and Event Schedule
Note- Some dates and locations are subject to change. All changes will be reflected in this document. All coaches and debaters will be made aware of changes in advance.
Workshop #1 Slideshows (9/14)
Session 1- Introduction and Topic Lecture
Session 2 Novice- The Aff/ Neg Packet
Session 2 Varsity- The Case Files
Session 3 Novice- Debate Strategies- Flowing and Cross Examination
Session 3 Varsity- The Off-Case Files